Why do bad things happen to good people
Created by Dany 12 years ago
I look at life and wonder why bad things happen to good people, is there a master plan? are we chosen? and by who? or is it just sheer chance that our lives are what they are.
Keith was a good man, not a nasty bone in his body, why then did he suffer not only the loss of his beloved son, but a body broken because of Mulitple sclerosis?
we Had four good years before our son's life was changed forever by the incompetence of the medical profession, and only another four years before that damage ended his life, we struggled on through grief and the onset of Multiple sclerosis and found a way to live,
Keith's sense of humour never left him despite the damage the illness was doing to his body and to our lives, he believed he could conguer it and return to a normal life,
he had somehow managed to switch off from it all so he either couldn't or wouldn't see what was happening to him.
I envied him this 'illusion' as I was the one who had to watch his body die bit by bit' but I couldnt force him to see what I saw and to know what I knew, he was dealing with it in his own way and if that was to pretend then at least one of us was would be happy,
We lived with Muliple sclerosis for just over 20 years, Grief over our son's death had taken it's toll on us and Keith's illness had taken over our lives, but we learned to live with it, we had to, we had no choice, and when Keith died my life with a 'good' person ended
I have no regrets, I just have good memories of two beautiful people who came into my life and made me the peron I am today, and I truly believe that I was meant to be in their lives too, to be their rock to cling to
I only hope I gave them what they gave me because I am richer for knowing them, and my world is a better place because two 'good' people were in it
but if bad things only happen to good people, I often wished we had been bad people, just to see what they got dealt in life....